About luxtile

There are thousands of furnishing materials in every interior designer\'s basket. But if you are looking for a material which is water-resistant, durable, and easy maintenance, we would say tile will be the best solution for your project.

In fact, there are countless tiling factories over the world. Honestly, not all of them they are suitable for you. Moreover, you might not have such time to try and test them all.

To address your need, we would like to present our premium brand Luxtile for your new thinking of tile.

Luxtile have been collaborating only with top quality factories over the world. Actually, our professions have tried and tested them all according to our strict selection criteria on their quality, aesthetic, performance, cost and even their sustainability of innovation.

Frankly, we have been working together for many years in a very smooth way. Our project range covers residential, commercial, industrial, hospitality, shopping mall and retail shop.

Luxtile is physically classified into 3 categories as below. Each category represents its unique manufacturing process.

1)     homogeneous tile

2)     full body porcelain tile

3)     glazed ceramic tile

Before your selection, please think about the area you are going to use. Indeed, all of them can be used at indoor and outdoor.

However, only glazed ceramic tile can be used on wall while the others can be installed on both wall and floor.

If you are thinking of anti-slip performance, homogeneous tile will be your first choice. For better aesthetic performance, full body porcelain tile will be wonderful in this issue. By the way, there are many tips we can’t write it all here, but our people will be helpful to assist you when you send us enquiry about your selection problem.


